Storytime at the Park: Springville (Weather Permitting)
Springville Park 87 Popcorn Road, SpringvilleWeek of Events
Summer Discovery: Oceans of Possibilities
Summer Discovery: Oceans of Possibilities
Join us May 31st-July 31st for a reading challenge, take-home kits, programs, and fun prizes! For kids and teens up to 18. Pick up your program guide at the Library in the Children and Teens department to get started.
Driftwood Sea Shell Wind Chime Kit (Adult Services)
Driftwood Sea Shell Wind Chime Kit (Adult Services)
Are you looking for a way to bring in some coastal vibes to your front porch or indoor home decor? Using driftwood, twine, and sea shells, create your own unique beach inspired wind chime. Pick up this kit in Adult Services starting June 20th while supplies last!
Exploding Art Kit
Exploding Art Kit
Get messy and creative with the Exploding Art kit! Available in the Children and Teens department starting June 20th while supplies last. One per child.
Storytime at the Park: Springville (Weather Permitting)
Storytime at the Park: Springville (Weather Permitting)
Join us Thursdays at 10 am for storytime and activities at the parks. Blankets or towels encouraged for storytime in the grass. We'll see you June 23rd at Springville Park!